Find the Error: Taylor Series

It is a beautiful Spring morning. You know the drill. You. Your friends. Nerdy happiness. Wild-eyed gentleman.

“The Taylor Series for ln(1+x) is given by”

You assent, as is your role, and then he drops the bomb.

“This series converges when x = 1. Therefore:”

He continues: “Now we simplify and rearrange and come to the conclusion you knew we would.”

Oh no this is horrible etc. Find the error.

  1. Find the error: Differentiation
  2. Find the error: L’Hopital’s Rule
  3. Find the error: Related Rates
  4. Find the error: Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  5. Find the error: U-substitution
  6. Find the error: Integration by Parts (part 1)
  7. Find the error: Integration by Parts (part 2)
  8. Find the error: Trigonometric Integration
  9. Find the error: Taylor Series
  10. Find the error: Improper Integrals and Taylor Series
  11. Find the error: Separation of Variables
  12. Find the error: Separation of Variables – Exponential Growth
  13. Find the error: Solutions
  14. Find the error: Credits